Monday, May 25, 2015

6 Things CSTers Do All Day, Everyday

1. Writing
Outlook? Word? Excel?! Powerpoint!? DB Connect?! Yes please!

2. Organising & Planning
For the day, the week, the month, the year.

3. Money Management
'Nuf said.

4. Talking
& listening of course :) 

5. (always) Learning
about design, about our clients.

6. Emotional Management 
ours & everyone else's. 

"As a design agency, I think you could add more pixels into the image."


Client: What’s the pantone reference for the white?

DB: In CMYK or pantone?
Client: No no in .jpg


"Someone is going to die if we don’t get the artwork today"


“The logo is too small, make it 0.5cm bigger, wider, move it up left a bit more. It will be more prominent on shelf.”


“Can you combine this colour onto that icon? I like that colour more.” 


"Can you work over the weekend and we pay you?"


"Why do you need a Senior Designer when a designer can do the work?"


"The new division will be called ABC Finance because A is the best grade at school, B is the second best grade..."


Email heading of a design request from a client: 
"Fast, cheap and beautiful design needed"


"Could you please create an additional design, I need it for a 40 minutes."


"Are there any more colours between yellow and orange? I don’t like any of the ones you’ve shown me"


"Why do you need more time? Can't you just type pretty instead of design pretty"


And how briefs are shared with us? 

Over the phone,
2 lines in an email
and sometimes... written on a cocktail napkin